Today I woke up feeling strange... feeling sad... feeling depressed... but why...
was I in the middle of a war? No... Was I living the last day of my life? No... Was I going back to Earth? No... Hang on a minte... I groanded. Today I was going back to earth. I got out of my sleeping bag and sort of swam to the toilet. How I would miss that toilet... I got dressed and I had to chase my clothes because they kept floating away. How I would miss zero gravity...
'How are you feeling?' I asked Anthony Rickwood 'What do you mean? he replied. 'I mean about returning back to earth.' Anthony floated up and down for a bit. Looking at the test tubes containing minerals. Finally he said,'Well, we have had an adventure: you were the first woman on the moon and we have proved that our theory about the Moon Minerals is correct, don't you think it was all worth it?'
A while after that, we boarded the space shuttle.
We were flying at 17500 miles an hour.
We were bursting through the atmosphere and before I knew it, gravity had come back and the 'Andromida 1' had landed in Kazakstan...
I was back on the Blue Planet, Planet Earth...