Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Moon Landing

Today I woke up and found myself floating upside down half way down the control room.
I let out a shriek of joy, a grumpy looking cosmonaut floated in and gave me a quizzical look. I blushed and drifted away.

After a while, when everyone of my team was awake, we had breakfast. Breakfast was served on a tray with straps to prevent it from floating away. After that, we helped each other into space suits. The space suits protect us from extreme heat and cold,(120 degrees Celsius in the sun and-100 degrees Celsius in the shade) dangerous rays, like cosmic rays and solar wind. It has communication devices, two hours more oxygen needed incase something goes wrong, and a even a in-suit urine collector!!

While we were boarding the space shuttle to go to the Moon, every TV on Planet Earth was on.
Young children were looking up at the moon to see if they could see people walking on it. You could hear the adults say,' just like the moon landing in 1969!'

I was looking out of the window of the space shuttle, the moon was coming closer. Anthony and Bob were having a conversation about the moon minerals, but I was only half listening. The shuttle started to slow down. 'Everyone, helmets on!' I said. and we all climbed into the landing capsule. We strapped ourselves in and we got shot out onto the moon.

The landing was fine, everything was controlled with parachutes and airbags. Bob opened the door and I let out the ladder (we had practiced this beforehand). Anthony went first with the camera. This was it. I was about to change the knowledge that only men had been on the Moon. I took a deep breath and climbed down the ladder. 'A small step for one woman, a giant leap for all'

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